
An robust high-level Defer, RAII implementation for C89, automatic memory safety, smartly!

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An robust high-level Defer, RAII implementation for C89, automatic memory safety, smarty!

This library has been decoupled from c-coroutine to be independently developed.

In the effort to find uniform naming of terms, various other packages was discovered Except, and exceptions-and-raii-in-c. Choose to settle in on A defer mechanism for C, an upcoming C standard compiler feature. It’s exactly this library’s working design and concepts addressed in c-coroutine.

This library uses an custom version of rpmalloc for malloc/heap allocation, not C11 compiler thread local dependant, nor C++ focus, removed. The customization is merged with required cthread for C11 thread like emulation.

The planned implementation from defer reference implementation for C:

RAII C89 Planned C11

// includes "cthread.h" emulated C11 threads
#include "raii.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
guard {
    // Panic if p == NULL
    // Automatically _defer(free, p)
    void *p = _malloc(25);
    void *q = _calloc(1, 25);

    if (mtx_lock(&mut)==thrd_error) break;
    _defer(mtx_unlock, &mut);

    // all resources acquired
} unguarded(0);

guard {
  void * const p = malloc(25);
  if (!p) break;
  defer free(p);

  void * const q = malloc(25);
  if (!q) break;
  defer free(q);

  if (mtx_lock(&mut)==thrd_error) break;
  defer mtx_unlock(&mut);

  // all resources acquired

There C Standard implementation states: The important interfaces of this tool are:

Planned C11 example from source - gitlab, outlined in C Standard WG14 meeting - pdf

RAII C89 Planned C11

#include "raii.h"

char number[20];
void g_print(void *ptr) {
    int i = raii_value(ptr)->integer;
    printf("Defer in g = %d.\n", i);

void g(int i) {
    if (i > 3) {
        snprintf(number, 20, "%ld", i);
    guard {
      _defer(g_print, &i);
      printf("Printing in g = %d.\n", i);
      g(i + 1);
    } guarded;

void f_print(void *na) {
    puts("In defer in f");
    if (_recover(_get_message())) {
        printf("Recovered in f = %s\n", _get_message());

void f()
guard {
    _defer(f_print, NULL);
    puts("Calling g.");
    puts("Returned normally from g.");
} guarded;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    puts("Returned normally from f.");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "stddefer.h"

void g(int i) {
  if (i > 3) {
  guard {
    defer {
      printf("Defer in g = %d.\n", i);
    printf("Printing in g = %d.\n", i);

void f() {
  guard {
    defer {
        puts("In defer in f");
      int err = recover();
      if (err != 0) {
        printf("Recovered in f = %d\n", err);
    puts("Calling g.");
    puts("Returned normally from g.");

int main(int argc, char* argv[static argc+1]) {
  puts("Returned normally from f.");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Function ​f​ containing a ​defer​ statement which contains a call to the ​recover function. Function ​f​ invokes function ​g​ which recursively descends before panicking when the value of ​i > 3​. Execution of ​f​ produces the following output:

Calling g.
Printing in g = 0.
Printing in g = 1.
Printing in g = 2.
Printing in g = 3.
Defer in g = 3.
Defer in g = 2.
Defer in g = 1.
Defer in g = 0.
In defer in f
Recovered in f = 4
Returned normally from f.


C++ has a concept called unique_ptr) where “a smart pointer that owns and manages another object through a pointer and disposes of that object when the unique_ptr goes out of scope. “

Here too the same process is in effect through an new typedef unique_t aka memory_t structure.

There is 1 way to create an smart memory pointer.

/* Creates smart memory pointer, this object binds any additional requests to it's lifetime.
for use with `malloc_*` `calloc_*` wrapper functions to request/return raw memory. */
C_API unique_t *unique_init(void);

This system use macros RAII_MALLOC, RAII_FREE, RAII_REALLOC, and RAII_CALLOC. If not defined, the default malloc/calloc/realloc/free are used when expanded. The expansion thereto points to custom replacement allocation routines rpmalloc.

The following malloc/calloc wrapper functions are used to get an raw memory pointer.

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle.
DO NOT `free`, will be `RAII_FREE` when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */
C_API void *malloc_by(memory_t *scope, size_t size);

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle.
DO NOT `free`, will be `RAII_FREE` when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */
C_API void *calloc_by(memory_t *scope, int count, size_t size);

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle.
DO NOT `free`, will be freed with given `func`, when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */
C_API void *malloc_full(memory_t *scope, size_t size, func_t func);

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle.
DO NOT `free`, will be freed with given `func`, when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */
C_API void *calloc_full(memory_t *scope, int count, size_t size, func_t func);

Note the above functions will panic/throw if request fails, is NULL, and begin unwinding, executing deferred statements.

Thereafter, an smart pointer can be use with these raii* functions.

/* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument,
to the given `scoped smart pointer` lifetime/destruction. */
C_API size_t raii_deferred(memory_t *, func_t, void *);

/* Same as `raii_deferred` but allows recover from an Error condition throw/panic,
you must call `raii_is_caught` inside function to mark Error condition handled. */
C_API void raii_recover_by(memory_t *, func_t, void *);

/* Compare `err` to scoped error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. */
C_API bool raii_is_caught(memory_t *scope, const char *err);

/* Get scoped error condition string. */
C_API const char *raii_message_by(memory_t *scope);

/* Begin `unwinding`, executing given scope smart pointer `raii_deferred` statements. */
C_API void raii_deferred_free(memory_t *);

/* Same as `raii_deferred_free`, but also destroy smart pointer. */
C_API void raii_delete(memory_t *ptr);

Using thread local storage for an default smart pointer, the following functions always available.

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`,
uses current `thread` smart pointer,
DO NOT `free`, will be `RAII_FREE`
when `raii_deferred_clean` is called. */
C_API void *malloc_default(size_t size);

/* Request/return raw memory of given `size`,
uses current `thread` smart pointer,
DO NOT `free`, will be `RAII_FREE`
when `raii_deferred_clean` is called. */
C_API void *calloc_default(int count, size_t size);

/* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument,
to current `thread` scope lifetime/destruction. */
C_API size_t raii_defer(func_t, void *);

/* Same as `raii_defer` but allows recover from an Error condition throw/panic,
you must call `raii_caught` inside function to mark Error condition handled. */
C_API void raii_recover(func_t, void *);

/* Compare `err` to current error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. */
C_API bool raii_caught(const char *err);

/* Get current error condition string. */
C_API const char *raii_message(void);

/* Begin `unwinding`, executing current `thread` scope `raii_defer` statements. */
C_API void raii_deferred_clean(void);

Fully automatic memory safety, using guard/unguarded/guarded macro.

The full potently of RAII is encapsulated in the guard macro. Using try/catch/catch_any/catch_if/finally/end_try exception system macros separately will be unnecessary, however see examples folder for usage.

The Planned C11 implementation details still holds here, but defer not confined to guard block, actual function call.

/* Creates an scoped guard section, it replaces `{`.
Usage of: `_defer`, `_malloc`, `_calloc`, `_assign_ptr` macros
are only valid between these sections.
    - Use `_return(x);` macro, or `break;` to exit early.
    - Use `_assign_ptr(var)` macro, to make assignment of block scoped smart pointer. */
#define guard

/* This ends an scoped guard section, it replaces `}`.
On exit will begin executing deferred functions,
return given `result` when done, use `NONE` for no return. */
#define unguarded(result)

/* This ends an scoped guard section, it replaces `}`.
On exit will begin executing deferred functions. */
#define guarded

/* Returns protected raw memory pointer,
DO NOT FREE, will `throw/panic` if memory request fails. */
#define _malloc(size)

/* Returns protected raw memory pointer,
DO NOT FREE, will `throw/panic` if memory request fails. */
#define _calloc(count, size)

/* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument,
execution begins when current `guard` scope exits or panic/throw. */
#define _defer(func, ptr)

/* Compare `err` to scoped error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. */
#define _recover(err)

/* Compare `err` to scoped error condition,
will mark exception handled, if `true`.
DO NOT PUT `err` in quote's like "err". */
#define _is_caught(err)

/* Get scoped error condition string. */
#define _get_message()

/* Stops the ordinary flow of control and begins panicking,
throws an exception of given message. */
#define _panic(err)

/* Makes a reference assignment of current scoped smart pointer. */
#define _assign_ptr(scope)

/* Exit `guarded` section, begin executing deferred functions,
return given `value` when done, use `NONE` for no return. */
#define _return(value)

The idea way of using this library, is to make a new field for unique_t into your current typedef object, mainly one held throughout application, and setup your wrapper functions to above raii_ functions.

There are also 2 global callback functions that need to be setup for complete integration.

// Currently an wrapper function that set ctx->data, scoped error, and protection state, working on removing need
typedef void (*ex_setup_func)(ex_context_t *ctx, const char *ex, const char *panic);
// Your wrapper to raii_deferred_free(ctx->data)
typedef void (*ex_unwind_func)(void *);

ex_setup_func exception_setup_func;
ex_unwind_func exception_unwind_func;


The build system uses cmake, by default produces static library stored under built, and the complete include folder is needed.

As cmake project dependency

    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wno-return-type")

    add_definitions("/wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4033 /wd4715")

target_link_libraries(project PUBLIC raii)


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF # use to not build tests and examples
cmake --build .


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF # use to not build tests and examples
cmake --build . --config Debug/Release


Contributions are encouraged and welcome; I am always happy to get feedback or pull requests on Github :) Create Github Issues for bugs and new features and comment on the ones you are interested in.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.