
An robust high-level Defer, RAII implementation for C89, automatic memory safety, smartly!

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An robust high-level Defer, RAII implementation for C89, automatic memory safety, smarty!

This library has been decoupled from c-coroutine to be independently developed.

In the effort to find uniform naming of terms, various other packages was discovered Except, and exceptions-and-raii-in-c. Choose to settle in on A defer mechanism for C, an upcoming C standard compiler feature. It’s exactly this library’s working design and concepts addressed in c-coroutine.

This library uses an custom version of rpmalloc for malloc/heap allocation, not C11 compiler thread local dependant, nor C++ focus, removed. The customization is merged with required cthread for C11 thread like emulation.

As a side benefit, just including a single #include "raii.h" will make your Linux only application Windows compatible, see work-steal.c in examples folder, it’s from Complementary Concurrency Programs for course “Linux Kernel Internals”, 2 minor changes, using macro make_atomic.

All aspect of this library as been incorporated into an c++11 like threading model as outlined in std::async, any thread launched with signature thrd_async(fn, num_of_args, ...) has function executed within guard block as further described below, all allocations is automatically cleaned up and defer statements run.

The C++ version from https://cplusplus.com/reference/future/future/wait/

RAII C89 C++11
```c #include "raii.h" // a non-optimized way of checking for prime numbers: void *is_prime(args_t arg) { int i, x = arg[0].integer; for (i = 2; i < x; ++i) if (x % i == 0) return $(false); return $(true); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int prime = 194232491; // call function asynchronously: future fut = thrd_async(is_prime, 1, prime); printf("checking...\n"); thrd_wait(fut, thrd_yield); printf("\n194232491 "); if (thrd_get(fut).boolean) // guaranteed to be ready (and not block) after wait returns printf("is prime.\n"); else printf("is not prime.\n"); } ``` ```c++ // future::wait #include // std::cout #include // std::async, std::future #include // std::chrono::milliseconds // a non-optimized way of checking for prime numbers: bool is_prime (int x) { for (int i=2; i<x; ++i) if (x%i==0) return false; return true; } int main () { // call function asynchronously: std::future fut = std::async (is_prime,194232491); std::cout << "checking...\n"; fut.wait(); std::cout << "\n194232491 "; if (fut.get()) // guaranteed to be ready (and not block) after wait returns std::cout << "is prime.\n"; else std::cout << "is not prime.\n"; return 0; } ``` </td> </tr> </table> The planned implementation from [defer reference implementation for C](https://gustedt.gitlabpages.inria.fr/defer/):
RAII C89 Planned C11

// includes "cthread.h" emulated C11 threads
#include "raii.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
guard {
    // Panic if p == NULL
    // Automatically _defer(free, p)
    void *p = _malloc(25);
    void *q = _calloc(1, 25);

    if (mtx_lock(&mut)==thrd_error) break;
    _defer(mtx_unlock, &mut);

    // all resources acquired
} unguarded(0);

guard {
  void * const p = malloc(25);
  if (!p) break;
  defer free(p);

  void * const q = malloc(25);
  if (!q) break;
  defer free(q);

  if (mtx_lock(&mut)==thrd_error) break;
  defer mtx_unlock(&mut);

  // all resources acquired
There C Standard implementation states: **The important interfaces of this tool are:** * `guard` prefixes a guarded block * `defer` prefixes a defer clause * `break` ends a guarded block and executes all its defer clauses * `return` unwinds all guarded blocks of the current function and returns to the caller * `exit` unwinds all defer clauses of all active function calls of the thread and exits normally * `panic` starts global unwinding of all guarded blocks * `recover` inside a defer clause stops a panic and provides an error code **Planned C11** example from [source](https://gitlab.inria.fr/gustedt/defer/-/blob/master/defer4.c?ref_type=heads) - **gitlab**, outlined in [C Standard WG14 meeting](http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2542.pdf) - **pdf**
RAII C89 Planned C11

#include "raii.h"

char number[20];
void g_print(void *ptr) {
    int i = raii_value(ptr)->integer;
    printf("Defer in g = %d.\n", i);

void g(int i) {
    if (i > 3) {
        snprintf(number, 20, "%ld", i);
    guard {
      _defer(g_print, &i);
      printf("Printing in g = %d.\n", i);
      g(i + 1);
    } guarded;

void f_print(void *na) {
    puts("In defer in f");
    if (_recover(_get_message())) {
        printf("Recovered in f = %s\n", _get_message());

void f()
guard {
    _defer(f_print, NULL);
    puts("Calling g.");
    puts("Returned normally from g.");
} guarded;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    puts("Returned normally from f.");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "stddefer.h"

void g(int i) {
  if (i > 3) {
  guard {
    defer {
      printf("Defer in g = %d.\n", i);
    printf("Printing in g = %d.\n", i);

void f() {
  guard {
    defer {
        puts("In defer in f");
      int err = recover();
      if (err != 0) {
        printf("Recovered in f = %d\n", err);
    puts("Calling g.");
    puts("Returned normally from g.");

int main(int argc, char* argv[static argc+1]) {
  puts("Returned normally from f.");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
_Function_ `​f`​ containing a **​defer​** statement which contains a call to the **​recover** function. _Function_ `​f`​ invokes _function_ `​g`​ which recursively descends before _panicking_ when the value of `​i > 3`​. Execution of `​f`​ produces the following **output**:
Calling g.
Printing in g = 0.
Printing in g = 1.
Printing in g = 2.
Printing in g = 3.
Defer in g = 3.
Defer in g = 2.
Defer in g = 1.
Defer in g = 0.
In defer in f
Recovered in f = 4
Returned normally from f.
## Synopsis **C++** has a concept called [unique_ptr)](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/unique_ptr) where **"a smart pointer that owns and manages another object through a pointer and disposes of that object when the unique_ptr goes out of scope. "** Here too the same process is in effect through an **new** _typedef_ `unique_t` aka `memory_t` _structure_. ```c /* Calls fn (with args as arguments) in separate thread, returning without waiting for the execution of fn to complete. The value returned by fn can be accessed by calling `thrd_get()`. */ C_API future thrd_async(thrd_func_t fn, size_t num_of_args, ...); /* Same as `thrd_async`, allows passing custom `context` scope for internal `promise` for auto cleanup within caller's `scope`. */ C_API future thrd_async_ex(memory_t *scope, thrd_func_t fn, void_t args); /* Returns the value of `future` ~promise~, a thread's shared object, If not ready, this function blocks the calling thread and waits until it is ready. */ C_API values_type thrd_get(future); /* This function blocks the calling thread and waits until `future` is ready, will execute provided `yield` callback function continuously. */ C_API void thrd_wait(future, wait_func yield); /* Check status of `future` object state, if `true` indicates thread execution has ended, any call thereafter to `thrd_get` is guaranteed non-blocking. */ C_API bool thrd_is_done(future); C_API void thrd_delete(future); C_API uintptr_t thrd_self(void); C_API size_t thrd_cpu_count(void); /* Return/create an arbitrary `vector/array` set of `values`, only available within `thread/future` */ C_API vectors_t thrd_data(size_t, ...); /* Return/create an single `vector/array` ~value~, only available within `thread/future` */ #define $(val) thrd_data(1, (val)) /* Return/create an pair `vector/array` ~values~, only available within `thread/future` */ #define $$(val1, val2) thrd_data(2, (val1), (val2)) C_API future_t thrd_scope(void); C_API future_t thrd_sync(future_t); C_API rid_t thrd_spawn(thrd_func_t fn, size_t num_of_args, ...); C_API values_type thrd_result(rid_t id); // C_API future_t thrd_for(for_func_t loop, intptr_t initial, intptr_t times); C_API void thrd_then(result_func_t callback, future_t iter, void_t result); C_API void thrd_destroy(future_t); C_API bool thrd_is_finish(future_t); /** * Creates an scoped `vector/array/container` for arbitrary arguments passing * into an single `parameter` function. * - Use standard `array access` for retrieval of an `union` storage type. * * - MUST CALL `args_destructor_set()` to have memory auto released * within ~callers~ scoped `context`, will happen either at return/exist or panics. * * - OTHERWISE `memory leak` will be shown in DEBUG build. * * NOTE: `vector_for` does auto memory cleanup. * * @param count numbers of parameters, `0` will create empty `vector/array`. * @param arguments indexed in given order. */ C_API args_t args_for(size_t, ...); C_API args_t args_ex(size_t, va_list); C_API void args_destructor_set(args_t); C_API bool is_args(void_t); /** * Creates an scoped `vector/array/container` for arbitrary item types. * - Use standard `array access` for retrieval of an `union` storage type. * * - MUST CALL `array_deferred_set` to have memory auto released * when given `scope` context return/exist or panics. * * - OTHERWISE `memory leak` will be shown in DEBUG build. * * @param count numbers of parameters, `0` will create empty `vector/array`. * @param arguments indexed in given order. */ C_API arrays_t array_of(memory_t *, size_t, ...); C_API void array_deferred_set(arrays_t, memory_t *); C_API void array_append(arrays_t, void_t); C_API void array_delete(arrays_t); C_API void array_remove(arrays_t, int); C_API bool is_array(void_t); #define $append(arr, value) array_append((arrays_t)arr, (void_t)value) #define $remove(arr, index) array_remove((arrays_t)arr, index) #define vectorize(vec) vectors_t vec = vector_variant() #define vector(vec, count, ...) vectors_t vec = vector_for(nil, count, __VA_ARGS__) #define $push_back(vec, value) vector_push_back((vectors_t)vec, (void_t)value) #define $insert(vec, index, value) vector_insert((vectors_t)vec, index, (void_t)value) #define $clear(vec) vector_clear((vectors_t)vec) #define $size(vec) vector_size((vectors_t)vec) #define $capacity(vec) vector_capacity((vectors_t)vec) #define $erase(vec, index) vector_erase((vectors_t)vec, index) /* The `foreach(item in vector/array)` macro, similar to `C#`, executes a statement or a block of statements for each element in an instance of `vectors_t/args_t/arrays_t` */ #define foreach(...) foreach_xp(foreach_in, (__VA_ARGS__)) #define foreach_back(...) foreach_xp(foreach_in_back, (__VA_ARGS__)) ``` ### There is _1 way_ to create an smart memory pointer ```c /* Creates smart memory pointer, this object binds any additional requests to it's lifetime. for use with `malloc_*` `calloc_*` wrapper functions to request/return raw memory. */ C_API unique_t *unique_init(void); ``` > This system use macros `RAII_MALLOC`, `RAII_FREE`, `RAII_REALLOC`, and `RAII_CALLOC`. > If not **defined**, the default **malloc/calloc/realloc/free** are used when expanded. > The expansion thereto points to custom replacement allocation routines **rpmalloc**. ### The following _malloc/calloc_ wrapper functions are used to get an raw memory pointer ```c /* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle. DO NOT `free`, will be freed with given `func`, when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */ C_API void *malloc_full(memory_t *scope, size_t size, func_t func); /* Request/return raw memory of given `size`, using smart memory pointer's lifetime scope handle. DO NOT `free`, will be freed with given `func`, when scope smart pointer panics/returns/exits. */ C_API void *calloc_full(memory_t *scope, int count, size_t size, func_t func); ``` Note the above functions will **panic/throw** if request fails, is `NULL`, and begin **unwinding**, executing _deferred_ statements. ### Thereafter, an smart pointer can be use with these _raii_* functions ```c /* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument, to the given `scoped smart pointer` lifetime/destruction. */ C_API size_t raii_deferred(memory_t *, func_t, void *); /* Same as `raii_deferred` but allows recover from an Error condition throw/panic, you must call `raii_is_caught` inside function to mark Error condition handled. */ C_API void raii_recover_by(memory_t *, func_t, void *); /* Compare `err` to scoped error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. */ C_API bool raii_is_caught(memory_t *scope, const char *err); /* Get scoped error condition string. */ C_API const char *raii_message_by(memory_t *scope); /* Begin `unwinding`, executing given scope smart pointer `raii_deferred` statements. */ C_API void raii_deferred_free(memory_t *); /* Same as `raii_deferred_free`, but also destroy smart pointer. */ C_API void raii_delete(memory_t *ptr); ``` ### Using `thread local storage` for an default smart pointer, the following functions always available ```c /* Return current `context` ~scope~ smart pointer, in use! */ C_API memory_t *get_scope(void); /* Returns protected raw memory pointer of given `size`, DO NOT FREE, will `throw/panic` if memory request fails. This uses current `thread` smart pointer, unless called between `guard` blocks, or inside ~c++11~ like `thread/future` call. */ C_API void *malloc_local(size_t size); /* Returns protected raw memory pointer of given `size`, DO NOT FREE, will `throw/panic` if memory request fails. This uses current `thread` smart pointer, unless called between `guard` blocks, or inside ~c++11~ like `thread/future` call. */ C_API void *calloc_local(int count, size_t size); /* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument, to current `thread` scope lifetime/destruction. */ C_API size_t raii_defer(func_t, void *); /* Same as `raii_defer` but allows recover from an Error condition throw/panic, you must call `raii_caught` inside function to mark Error condition handled. */ C_API void raii_recover(func_t, void *); /* Compare `err` to current error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. */ C_API bool raii_caught(const char *err); /* Get current error condition string. */ C_API const char *raii_message(void); /* Begin `unwinding`, executing current `thread` scope `raii_defer` statements. */ C_API void raii_deferred_clean(void); ``` ### Fully automatic memory safety, using `guard/unguarded/guarded` macro The full potently of **RAII** is encapsulated in the `guard` macro. Using `try/catch/catch_any/catch_if/finally/end_try` exception system macros separately will be unnecessary, however see [examples](https://github.com/zelang-dev/c-raii/tree/main/examples) folder for usage. ```c++ try { throw(division_by_zero); printf("never reached\n"); } catch_if { if (caught(bad_alloc)) printf("catch: exception %s (%s:%d) caught\n", err, err_file, err_line); else if (caught(division_by_zero)) printf("catch: exception %s (%s:%d) caught\n", err, err_file, err_line); ex_backtrace(err_backtrace); } finally { if (err) printf("finally: try failed -> %s (%s:%d)\n", err, err_file, err_line); else printf("finally: try succeeded\n"); } end_try; ``` The Planned C11 implementation details still holds here, but `defer` not confined to `guard` block, actual function call. ```c /* Creates an scoped guard section, it replaces `{`. Usage of: `_defer`, `_malloc`, `_calloc`, `_assign_ptr` macros are only valid between these sections. - Use `_return(x);` macro, or `break;` to exit early. - Use `_assign_ptr(var)` macro, to make assignment of block scoped smart pointer. */ #define guard /* This ends an scoped guard section, it replaces `}`. On exit will begin executing deferred functions, return given `result` when done, use `NONE` for no return. */ #define unguarded(result) /* This ends an scoped guard section, it replaces `}`. On exit will begin executing deferred functions. */ #define guarded #define _malloc(size) malloc_local(size) #define _calloc(count, size) calloc_local(count, size) /* Defer execution `LIFO` of given function with argument, Only valid between `guard` blocks or inside ~c++11~ like `thread/future` call. Execution begins when current `guard` scope exits or panic/throw. */ C_API size_t deferring(func_t func, void_t data); #define _defer(func, ptr) deferring(func, ptr) /* Compare `err` to scoped error condition, will mark exception handled, if `true`. Only valid between `guard` blocks or inside ~c++11~ like `thread/future` call. */ C_API bool is_recovered(const char *err); #define _recover(err) is_recovered(err) /* Get scoped error condition string. Only valid between `guard` blocks or inside ~c++11~ like `thread/future` call. */ C_API const char *err_message(void); #define _get_message() err_message() /* Stops the ordinary flow of control and begins panicking, throws an exception of given message. */ #define _panic(err) /* Makes a reference assignment of current scoped smart pointer. */ #define _assign_ptr(scope) /* Exit `guarded` section, begin executing deferred functions, return given `value` when done, use `NONE` for no return. */ #define _return(value) ``` The idea way of using this library, is to make a **new** _field_ for `unique_t` into your current _typedef_ **object**, mainly one held throughout application, and setup your wrapper functions to above **raii_** functions. There are also `2 global callback` functions that need to be setup for complete integration. ```c // Currently an wrapper function that set ctx->data, scoped error, and protection state, working on removing need typedef void (*ex_setup_func)(ex_context_t *ctx, const char *ex, const char *panic); // Your wrapper to raii_deferred_free(ctx->data) typedef void (*ex_unwind_func)(void *); ex_setup_func exception_setup_func; ex_unwind_func exception_unwind_func; ``` ## Installation The build system uses **cmake**, by default produces **static** library stored under `built`, and the complete `include` folder is needed. **As cmake project dependency** ```c if(UNIX) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -g -D USE_DEBUG") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wno-return-type") endif() if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} /D USE_DEBUG") add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) add_definitions("/wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4033 /wd4715") endif() add_subdirectory(deps/raii) target_link_libraries(project PUBLIC raii) ``` **Linux** ```shell mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF # use to not build tests and examples cmake --build . ``` **Windows** ```shell mkdir build cd build cmake .. -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF # use to not build tests and examples cmake --build . --config Debug/Release ``` ## Contributing Contributions are encouraged and welcome; I am always happy to get feedback or pull requests on Github :) Create [Github Issues](https://github.com/zelang-dev/c-raii/issues) for bugs and new features and comment on the ones you are interested in. ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.